Location: Home Curriculum IGCSE & ALEVEL


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The Ulink curriculum aims to give students proficiency in and exposure to a wide range of academic, personal, social, sporting and cultural ideas and perspectives.

We offer a wide-variety of courses and strive to find a balance between the depth model of the A Level and the desire for our students to be well-balanced and widely-skilled. 

As such there is an expectation that our students:

- Maintain a broad curriculum at IG level

- Volunteer in or out of the school 

- Participate in or lead one of our many clubs

- Participate in the Duke of Edinburgh’s Award

- Attend field trips that are community and academically minded.

In academic departments we emphasise a strong day-to-day curriculum that provides students with rich knowledge and the ongoing development of skills. Our teachers plan lessons that provide context through case studies and real-world examples, exposing our students to a lively curriculum and thought-provoking lessons. 


4-Year Programme

We encourage our students to read widely and we have two libraries to support this, as well as access to extensive online archives. 

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Overall, we aim for the total student experience to a memorable one where student time is valued and used wisely.