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Fergal Mcgee

職務:教師 教授科目:計算機


萊特肯尼理工(gōng)學院                                   計算機專業理科榮譽學士學位
莫爾蘭大(dà)學                                             教師資(zī)格證

Letterkenny Institute of Technology    Bsc (Hons) Degree in computing 

Moreland University                             TEFL certified

Fergal 老師在韓國,越南(nán),中(zhōng)國等國家任教12年。他也是一(yī)位系統工(gōng)程師。Fergal 熱愛運動。同時也喜歡在空餘時間看電(diàn)影、下(xià)廚或旅行。他認爲教育工(gōng)作者的職責是幫助學生(shēng)實現成功所需具備的知(zhī)識和技能。

Fergal has been teaching for over 12 years in Korea, Vietnam and China.  He is also a systems Engineer. He enjoys exercising regularly, watching movies, cooking and traveling to new places. He believes educators help students to achieve the knowledge and skills needed to succeed.