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職務:教師 教授科目:經濟


Master of Commerce (Economics and Finance), Curtin university           商(shāng)科碩士,科廷大(dà)學

Bachelor of Finance, Jingling College, Nanjing University                        金融學學士,南(nán)京大(dà)學 金陵學院

As an educator, I’ve worked with primary school students through to university students. Rich industry experience in IT and finance inspires my teaching strategy. I am a foodie, traveler, theatregoer. My understanding of education is: encourage, enlighten and engage.

作爲一(yī)名教育者,我(wǒ)的教學對象從小(xiǎo)學到大(dà)學。豐富的信息技術和 财務知(zhī)識不斷的啓發我(wǒ)的教學戰略。熱衷于美食,旅行,戲劇。我(wǒ)對教育的理解是激勵,啓發,投入。