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職務:教師 教授科目:數學


Master Degree and Management , Loughborough University                        拉夫堡大(dà)學,金融管理碩士

Master Degree in Applied Mathematics, Zhejiang University                          浙江大(dà)學,應用數學系碩士

This is my eighth year as an educator, mainly teaching students of age groups from 15-18. My first two years of my career, was teaching mathematics for university entrance examinations in China. Then I started A-level mathematics’ teaching after I came back from abroad. The subjects I teach contains Pure Mathematics, Probability and Statistics,Mechanics for both AS & A-level Mathematics and Further Mathematics. I’m also the member of the Cambridge Assessment Team. I’m the assistant examiner of the CAIE examinations.I have already gained the Teacher Certification in China, PDQ certificate from CAIE.
I like Singing,badminton,swimming.


今年是我(wǒ)從事教育行業的第八年。兩年的國内高考數學教學經驗,在國外(wài)獲得碩士學位回國後開(kāi)始從事國際教育。教授科目主要是A-level 數學和高數的課程内容。擁有國内教師資(zī)格證以及CAIE課程教學資(zī)格證書(shū)。同時我(wǒ)是劍橋國際評估小(xiǎo)組的一(yī)員(yuán),是CAIE數學試卷的助理閱卷人之一(yī)。平時喜歡唱(chàng)歌,羽毛球和遊泳。

I am of the firm belief that communication between every student and teachers are very important. We need to build a mutually understanding relationship, together moving forward.
