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Sean Daniel Geeling

職務:教師 教授科目:英語

a_Sean Daniel Geeling

利茲大(dà)學                                               數字教育碩士 (在讀)
基爾大(dà)學                                               國際教師資(zī)格證
曼切斯特大(dà)學                                        國際英語教師資(zī)格證
曼徹斯特大(dà)學                                        環境科學學士學位

University of Leeds                             MA Digital Education (Ongoing)
Keele University                                  PGCE (International)
Manchester Academy of English        Cambridge CELTA
University of Manchester                   BSc Environmental Science

在過去(qù)的4年裏,Sean老師很喜歡在Ulink任教。一(yī)直在提高自己的知(zhī)識儲備和專業度,并以有利于學生(shēng)和自己的方式不斷的實踐。每年他都在努力确保在教學中(zhōng)增加一(yī)些拓寬的知(zhī)識。通過這種方式,我(wǒ)和學生(shēng)都在進步。并希望把他自己學習學科的經驗直接帶到課堂上。在Ulink工(gōng)作之前,Sean在江蘇的英孚排名第一(yī)的校區工(gōng)作。 那段工(gōng)作經曆讓玟有教各種年齡和各種能力的學生(shēng)的教學經驗。我(wǒ)還有幸擔任了他們一(yī)段時間的教研主任。 

I have enjoyed teaching at Ulink for the past 4 years, continuing to grow my knowledge base, enhance my professional qualifications and expand my practice in ways that benefit both the students and myself.Every year I try to make sure I am teaching something that I can also broaden my knowledge of. In that way both I and the students are always progressing and I can empathise with them, and hopefully bring my own experience of learning the subject directly into the classroom.Prior to working at Ulink I had a great experience in Jiangsu teaching students of all ages and abilities at the #1 rated EF school in China during that time. I also had the privilege of being their Director of Studies for a time, where my focus was not only on students, but also training and hiring other teachers.


Actually my main hobby outside of school is playing with my son, or practicing guitar when I get the free time and there is no homework to mark or chores to do. Some of my wider interests include the usual: travel, language and food etc., but I am also interested in global politics, science-fiction literature, running and motorcycle racing.


I believe that it is the teacher's job to give students a clear idea of the tasks in front of them, to ask students how they think these tasks may be solved, then to offer examples and avenues for students to practice freely. I believe that it is the student's job to be attentive and open to ideas and possibilities. Students should absolutely be encouraged to volunteer and ask questions at all times, and to never be afraid of making mistakes. It is only through making mistakes that real progress can be made. My hope is that parents and the wider school family will also help the students to grow, both academically and spiritually. As a parent I know that teaching and learning begins in the home, and a loving, caring and understanding home life is essential to allow young people to fulfill their potential as both students and human beings in general.