
上海校區副校長 - (市場招生(shēng)與升學指導)
廣東外(wài)語外(wài)貿大(dà)學 英語文學學士 語言學碩士
加拿大(dà)英屬哥倫比亞大(dà)學 工(gōng)商(shāng)管理碩士
Guangdong University of Foreign Studies Bachelor of Arts
Guangdong University of Foreign Studies Master Linguistics
The University of British Columbia MBA
Emily had been working with Fortune 500 companies for over 15 years before entering into Education industry. She had worked in different cities in China as well HK, Macao, Canada etc. across different industries such as FMCG, Service, IT, Kids education etc. Marketing is her major. As a senior executive, she interviewed over a hundred candidates for different positions. She has a good understanding what kind of people employers are looking for. Emily believes every student has his/her won strength. However, there are some basic habits, the ability for independent study, some key qualities are the elements which will support the young kids for life time.
Emily loves travelling and explore different culture. No matter it is a modern city or a rural village, there is always something interesting to learn, something to appreciate.