Ulink College of Shanghai is the first education organization authorized by CAlE to implement PDQ ( Professional Development Qualification) program. Ulink believes that the teacher is the main body to carry out the education philosophy. A team of professional teachers and school leadership is the key success elements for a school's success. The teachers at Ulink are from 18 countries, more than 60% of which have master degree or above. On average, teachers have more than 8 year's teaching experience. Ulink College of Shanghai has developed a solid Education management system over the years of experience with resource from around the world.

Ayyub Faraj Maadani
Position:Teacher Subject:English

Bogdan (Bo) Schak
Position:Teacher Subject:English

Mark Elliott Cudd
Position:Teacher Subject:English

Lucy Liu
Position:Teacher Subject:English

Rebecca Li
Position:Teacher Subject:Chinese

Sean Daniel Geeling
Position:Teacher Subject:English

Jialing Weng
Position:Teacher Subject:Chinese

Lynn Zhu
Position:Teacher Subject:Chinese

Selene Deng
Position:Teacher Subject:English

Sara Zha
Position:Teacher Subject:English