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Charity concert held by Pop Music Cover Club

On the afternoon of October 31, in this beautiful autumn season, a special charity event was being held on the lawn in front of the Zonghe building of Ulink campus. With singing and enthusiasm, teachers and students attracted a lot of attention from passers-by for the welfare of stray animals.

In order to help stray animals, the Pop Music Cover Club adopted the way of donation — the audience scanned the QR code on the poster in advance, and the club members practiced the songs in advance. On the day of the road show, the audience will pay the song fee (3 yuan / song), and the club members will sing. 

"The event was initiated by our Pop Music Cover Club. After coordinating with Teacher Chang and communicating with the charitable organizations involved in fundraising, we chose a day to hold the event on the front lawn of Ulink. Our main goal was actually to give students a chance to take a break from their stressful study life, relax, and enjoy themselves. The price of three yuan is also very reasonable and can effectively motivate participation. This seemingly simple activity could not have been achieved without the concerted efforts of the club leader and the members participating in this event. It is also due to our club's enthusiasm that we were able to make this event a complete success! In conclusion, I wish our club continued growth and success, and I also hope that the stray dogs and cats we donated will be well-fed and rested."    ——G2-5 Stephanie Hu

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Words / G2-10 Jenny Yin