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職務:教師 教授科目:經濟


Certificate 證書(shū):  ACCA(國際注冊會計師) 會員(yuán)、ILM( 國際領導力和管理能力證書(shū))

Education Experience 教育背景

Xi’an University of Posts& telecommunications, China 本科 西安郵電(diàn)大(dà)學 
Bachelor of Financial management (Honored) §Major in financial management 财務管理專業( 專業GPA排名第一(yī)) 
University of Renmin, China  Master of Law - Major in civil and business law碩士 中(zhōng)國人民大(dà)學 民商(shāng)法專業 
University of Glasgow, UK Master of Science – Major in Global economy 碩士研究生(shēng) 格拉斯哥大(dà)學 全球經濟學專業(優秀學位)

Working Experience 工(gōng)作經驗

Golden education Co. (6 years 2 months) ,Position: Accounting and business advanced teacher, Business and English law advanced teacher, Finance English advanced teacher, Financial management advanced teacher, Course leader for accounting and business ,Golden education group co-partner 高頓教育集團、ACCA高級講師、ACCA科目負責人、高頓教育合夥人

Lixin Accounting firm (6 months) ,Position: junior auditor  立信會計師事務所初級審計員(yuán)

Guanghua qidi international high school ( 1month) Position: A level economics, business, accounting teacher 光華啓迪國際高中(zhōng)A- Level經濟 商(shāng)務、會計學科老師

Ulink College of Shanghai (Since 2022) 上海領科