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職務:教師 教授科目:生(shēng)物(wù)


美國加州大(dà)學聖地亞哥分(fēn)校                                      生(shēng)物(wù)理學碩士 &生(shēng)物(wù)理學學士

University of California, San Diego (UCSD)           Master & Bachelor degree in biology

楊老師曾在UCSD擔任兩年基因學和分(fēn)子生(shēng)物(wù)學的助教,并在美國當地小(xiǎo)學擔任過一(yī)年的輔導員(yuán)工(gōng)作;喜歡複古風格的時尚,曾經做過兼職的晚會女主持,特别愛貓。楊老師認爲教育是老師和學生(shēng)之間的學習過程。 每一(yī)個老師和學生(shēng)都有獨特的經曆。作爲教育工(gōng)作者是讓這些經曆鏈接起來形成新的體(tǐ)驗。

Ms Yang has 2 years’ experiences as Teaching Assistant in UCSD that subjects are Genetics and Molecular Bio and also used to work in a local primary school as a mentor.  She is a cat lover and interested in Vintage fashion ; Use to be a part-time party princess actress (surprise!) She believes education is a mutual learning process between teachers and students. Every teacher and student has his or her unique past experience, and teachers' job as educators is to connect these experiences to form new ones.