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職務:教師 教授科目:經濟


University of Central Lancashire MA in Public Relation & Marketing PDQ module 1 certificate (Distinction)

英國中(zhōng)央蘭開(kāi)夏大(dà)學 公共關系&市場營銷碩士學位 

Betty Li has been a Business and Economics teacher in Ulink Shanghai since 2008. Not only has she been keen on the cause of education, but also she has been devoting herself to teaching both Economics and Business subjects. In the meanwhile, she has been instructing students to participate in various Economics & Business practice contests. She is also a Certified Positive Discipline Classroom Facilitator. She once acted as a year leader and has more than 10 years ’rich form tutor supervisory experience. She is an enthusiastic and proactive and aggressive teacher and feels strong sense of responsibility towards her grade and classes teaching and her all students. She has been popular with her colleagues and her students. It is she so loves her education cause that she always. She likes sports, reading,traveling and playing the violin

李老師于 2008 年加入領科上海校區,長期從事經濟和商(shāng)務兩門 課程的教學,期間不斷指導學生(shēng)參加各類經濟&商(shāng)業模拟,實踐 大(dà)賽。持有正面管教學校講師證書(shū),曾擔任年級長并擁有 10 年 以上班主任班級管理經驗,有非常強的責任心,也非常熱愛教育 事業

She thinks :  Creates a positive teaching environment and strives to make every student enjoy the happy time in the classroom and stimulates their maximum potential.

betty 老師認爲營造積極的教學環境,努力讓每個學生(shēng)都能享受課堂的快樂時光,并 激發他們的最大(dà)潛能。