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職務:教師 教授科目:物(wù)理


香港教育大(dà)學                                                         教育學碩士

華東師範大(dà)學                                                         理學學士

Education University of Hongkong                     Master of Education, majored in Educational Studies,
East China Normal University                              Bachelor of Science, majored in Physics,


高老師教授IGCSE,  ALEVEL 課程物(wù)理學科3年,平時喜歡遊泳,畫畫和攝影。

Ms Gao has been teaching IGCSE, ALEVEL physics for three years and loves swimming, painting and photography.


Best education we can do for kids is teaching them how to respond when they are not successful instead of teaching them how to always be successful. Being an educator, we have to care about physical and psychological health of them.